Saturday 18 August 2012

Global Top 5 ERP Software - Overview

  • Long history of reputable products
  • Over 20,000 customers, 140 countries, 30 languages
  • In major growth mode
  • Reasonable VAR channel
  • Several strong industry solutions
  • Good after sales support
  • MS/SQL/SOA technology
  • Low to moderately priced
  • 3rd largest global ERP maker
  • Over 70,000 customers
  • Several different ERP systems
  • Vertically focused ERP solutions
  • Lean manufacturing capabilities
  • Complex and discrete manufacturing
  • Process manufacturing
  • Strong distribution and SCM
  • Low to moderately priced
  • Over 83,000 ERP customers
  • Strong SMB/mid-market solution
  • Very strong partner channel
  • Only sold through VAR channel
  • Multiple ERP products
  • ERP road map questionable
  • Solutions often vary by global region
  • MS/.Net/SQL technology
  • Low to moderately priced
  • Over 37,000 application customers
  • Claim #1 CRM market share leader
  • #2 ERP market share leader
  • 30 year proven credibility
  • New SOA architecture
  • Deep software functionality
  • Outrageous flexibility
  • Technology is the Oracle stack
  • Priced at the high end
  • More than 35,000 customers, 120 countries
  • Claim #1 CRM market share leader
  • Built the client/server ERP market
  • Definite #1 ERP market share leader
  • Very impressive distribution/SCM
  • Several industry solutions
  • Netweaver, SQL and a chasm of technologies
  • Priced at the high end

Source: ERP Software 360
Learn about Infor SyteLine ERP in Malaysia.


  1. Most people might think of ERP in terms of manufacturing because that is where the term originated.

    ERP Market in India

  2. ERP is one such software that is used for managing, controlling and transferring the record form one department to another with in single organization.
    Enterprise Resource Planning in the Healthcare Industry
